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To Blog or Not to Blog? That was the question.

I had been thinking about starting a blog, but to be honest I really doubted anyone would be interested in what I had to say. A few weeks ago I had decided that I would do it. I managed to get the domain purchased, and basically began to set up things. I didn’t get very far because my level of motivation was lacking, and it didn’t help that I had gotten sick. Once I started to feel better, I was trying to pull myself together, but in all honesty I was feeling like I was putting so much energy out and wasn’t getting refilled. I needed to take some time to focus on me in order to re-center and focus.

I pulled myself together, and after talking it over with Arin we decided that we both needed to do something different. We had been basically just working and parenting. We didn’t get time to actually have time to do anything else. We decided that we needed to do something about it.

We both love to travel and have always wanted to explore with our kids. We took them on a few trips over the last year and half and they absolutely loved it. We decided to purchase a bus…YES, I said a bus. A big yellow bus is literally now sitting in our yard. I know what you all are thinking…a bus? What the heck do you plan to do with a bus?

We Bought a School Bus

Well, we decided to convert it into a ”Skoolie”, which is basically a tiny home on wheels. When we mentioned that we bought a school bus and would be making it into our home, everyone would tell us they would want to keep updated. Prior to us getting the bus we have toyed with the idea of starting a YouTube at a suggestion of a few of our friends. So we decided we would start some social media pages. In doing that, the blog idea came back up.

Arin was away from home, and she and I were texting back and forth. I thought it was a pretty good time to start the blog. See the text messages below.

This literally threw me for a loop. Do you remember those posts that say, "If you have been looking for a sign this is it"? Well, I was looking for a sign on what direction to take, and so here I am. Thank you for being on this journey with me. I'm not sure where it will take any of us, but sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Here's to the start of a new week!


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Amber "PHOENIX" Victorian

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